GSA Temporary Clerical & Professional Schedule
The Temporary Clerical and Professional Support Services Schedule is a multiple award contract vehicle designed to provide a full range of Clerical and Professional Services to the Federal Government. Through the use of this schedule, clients have a flexible means of meeting their Clerical and Professional needs quickly, efficiently, and cost effectively. All-U-Need Personnel is one of the prime contractors providing Clerical and Professional services through this GSA schedule. Our GSA Schedule Contract (GS-07F-0284N) period of performance is 02/13/2003 through 02/12/2008. Areas of expertise include administrative services, clerical services, accounting services, legal services, contracting services, human resources, and design services. All purchases from All-U-Need Personnel qualify for 8(A), woman-owned, and small disadvantaged business goals. Overall responsibility for this GSA contract rests with the GSA Federal Supply Service and may be used by any Federal Government agency as well as Government Contractors and the District of Columbia. Agencies wishing to procure services through this contract vehicle may use GSA Advantage!, an on-line menu driven procurement system.
GSA Information Technology Schedule
The Information Technology Services Schedule is a multiple award contract vehicle designed to provide a full range of IT Services to the Federal Government. All-U-Need's GSA contract provides competitive rates for a wide variety of Information Technology services. The IT Federal Supply Schedule is designed to help Federal agencies in their Information Technology efforts. Areas of expertise include IT facility operation and maintenance, IT systems development services, IT systems analysis services, automated information systems design and integration services, programming services, IT data conversion services, IT network management services, program management and IT training services and automated news and data services. This contract allows federal, state and local government agencies to easily acquire high quality Information Technology solutions at a reasonable cost. Some of the benefits of the IT Support Services contract include competitive prices, flexibility, variety, customization, and name brand products and services. This contract is compliant with applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and in accordance with the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA). Our GSA Schedule Contract (GS-35F-0420L) period of performance is 24 May 2001 through 23 May 2006. The contract period is five (5) years plus three separate five (5) year option periods. This contract allows contractors the opportunity to add or delete products and services as their commercial line evolves, ensuring customers access to the latest technology. This IT schedule supports federal customers on a worldwide basis and since there is no maximum order limitation, customers can utilize this vehicle to support large-scale multi-million dollar development systems. Agencies wishing to procure services through this contract vehicle may use GSA Advantage!, an on-line menu driven procurement system.