Temporary Placement
Our Temporary Service offers staffing solutions for your
work overloads, short-term projects, vacations, or unplanned absences.
Whether short term or long term or whether clerical professional,
or when a project can be completed in a fixed period of time or
requires specialized skills, it often makes economic sense for the
company to hire workers on a temporary basis. We offer employees
with varying levels of skills in the accounting, legal, administrative,
and clerical fields. Take time to fill the position with the right
employee by covering the interim with an All-U-Need Personnel temporary
to get the job done. We offer you fast and productive help when
you need it and for as long as you want it. You save money by eliminating
all your employment and tax costs. All payroll costs, taxes, and
worker's compensation insurance costs are covered by All-U-Need.
By allowing All-U-Need Personnel to assist you with your short term
needs, you have access to every skill you might need and you only
pay for it when you need it. We have great terms, and offer an eight
hour performance guarantee for all of our Temporary and Temporary-to-Hire
employees. We exceed the industry standard guarantee of four hours.
We also offer a 24-hour "Job Order Submission" service via the Internet
for clients who need temporary help right away. All-U-Need Personnel
can help you with all of your temporary staffing needs whether for
a few days or for a few months.